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三.AWS ParallelCluster

4. Workflow to create Linux cluster on AWS

(4) Modify AWS ParallelCluster configuration file for creating Linux cluster

•Go to console of EC2 instance: amazonlinux

▪Edit cluster configuration file

-Enter: nano -w ~/cluster-config.yaml

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•Please modify the yaml file as the figure below.

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•Recall the "output" of the database stack


▪Value of DatabaseClientSecurityGroup from the output -> AdditionalSecurityGroups of the yaml file

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•Recall the "output" of the database stack

▪Value of DatabaseHost & DatabasePort -> Uri

-This URI must be formatted as host:port

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•Recall the "output" of the database stack

▪Value of DatabaseAdminUser -> Username

▪Value of DatabaseSecretArn -> PasswordSecretArn

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•After the modification of yaml file, the contents should be:

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(5) Create Linux cluster via AWS ParallelCluster

•Run the command to deploy cluster via AWS CloudFormation

▪Enter: pcluster create-cluster --cluster-name MDXCluster --cluster-configuration cluster-config.yaml

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•Go to AWS console -> CloudFormation -> Check stack named "MDXCluster"

▪Please wait until the status becomes "CREATE_COMPLETE", and then you may stop EC2 instance "amazonlinux" which runs AWS ParallelCluster.

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•After the status of stack "MDXCluster" is CREATE_COMPLETE, click "HeadNode" under "Resources"

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•Get the public IP of head node

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(6) Upload Moldex3D Linux package to AWS S3

•Go to AWS console -> S3

▪You may have several buckets. Please find the bucket with name: parallelcluster-XXXX

▪Click to enter the bucket

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•Click "Upload"

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•Click "Add Files" and select Moldex3D Portable Linux package file for CentOS 7

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•Permissions -> Predefined ACLs ->

▪Select Grant public-read access ->

-Check I understand the risk of granting public-read access to the specified objects.

•Click "Upload"

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•After the upload is done, click "Copy URL" to get the URL of Moldex3D Portable Linux package file.

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(7) Setup Moldex3D at head node of Linux cluster on AWS

•Open PuTTY -> Enter Public IP of head node

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•Please remember to set the SSH private key: awsparallelcluster.ppk

•Go back to ?�Session??and press ?�Open??/text>

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•Login as -> centos

•Enter passphrase for private key: awsparallelcluster.ppk

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•Download Moldex3D Portable Linux package file from AWS S3

▪Enter: wget [URL for the file]

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•Extract Moldex3D Portable Linux package file

▪Enter: tar zxvf Moldex3DLinux_2023R1_el7_64Bit_Portable.tar.gz

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•Set environment variable :

•Enter: echo "export MDX_2023_BIN=/home/centos/Moldex3D/2023/x64/Bin/" >> /home/centos/.bashrc

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(8) Check the connection between head node of Linux cluster on AWS and LM server on-premises

•Run Moldex3D LM Utility for Linux at HeadNode

▪Enter: ~/Moldex3D/2023/x64/Bin/MDX3DLMUtil -licstatxml -host -port 2556

▪If the site-to-site VPN connection is ok, you will see the output as below.

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(9) Submit Moldex3D job to Linux cluster on AWS

•At your computer on-premises, open Moldex3D Computing Manager -> Add new server

▪Scheduler -> SLURM

▪IP/Hostname -> Public IP of HeadNode

▪Port -> 22

▪Account -> centos

▪Logon Type -> Private Key

▪Private Key -> awsparallelcluster.pem

▪Specified by -> Core Per Node

▪Core Per Node -> 4

-Because the instance type used for Compute node is t3a.xlarge (vCPU=4) in this slide.

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•You may see that the max task. is 40

▪Because the cluster configuration defines that instance type of compute node is t3a.xlarge (vCPU=4) and Maximum instance count is 10.

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•Submit a job with 16 tasks

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•After the job submission, you may see in AWS console that there are 4 compute nodes launched. After the compute nodes are ready, the Moldex3D analysis will start.

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•When Moldex3D analysis is done, 4 compute nodes will be terminated after a period of time (about 10 minutes) defined by SLURM.

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(10) Delete the Linux cluster on AWS

•Go to AWS console -> CloudFormation -> Delete Stack by the following sequence

▪MDXCluster -> pcluster-slurm-db -> parallelclsuternetworking-xxxxxxxx

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•Go to AWS console -> S3 -> select the bucket named parallelcluster-xxxxxxx

▪Empty the bucket

▪Delete the bucket

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•Go to AWS console -> VPC -> Select the VPC named ParalleclusterVPC-xxxxx

▪Delete VPN connection

▪Delete Virtual Network gateway

▪Delete Customer gateway

•Delete VPC

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标签: ParallelCluster AWS Moldex3D Connect
